The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 932: Laurent B

...And in conclusion, everything is going smoothly, as usual.

: Very good. But one thing, before you go...

What is it?

In your report just now, you neglected to suggest that we stock up on arrows.

Is that a particular concern?

We're likely to march within the week and can expect to encounter aerial forces. I strongly suggest we'll need extra arrows in the baggage train.

An astute observation. I shall make the necessary adjustments to the manifest.

The report was otherwise acceptable.

..... Forgive me for saying this, but you are... more involved than you seem.

How so?

You ask me to make daily reports on the health and status of the Shepherds, yes? It's almost like you... care about us.

I only care about victory, Laurent. And victory demands preparation. I hate it when something- or someone- lets me down in a battle.

Nevertheless, I'd like to thank you. On behald of everyone, of course.


There is one other thing, though...


Oh, er, well... I suppose it's nothing that can't wait.

Come now. What's on your mind?

...It is, I admit, a bit of a whimsical notion on my part, but...

Well, I was hoping you might consider speaking with the others more often.

...I don't understand.

Instead of using me as a proxy, you could confer with them directly. You might even build a stronger rapport with the company as a result.

I'm not the rapport-building type.

Perhaps an idea whose time has not come. At any rate, I'll report again tomorrow.

Good. And, er... thank you.